Playwright, Lyricist, Friend. 🐌


Clare Fuyuko Bierman is a writer raised in a Japanese-Jewish home in Los Angeles with some rabbits, a snake, and a bunch of finches. Her writing often involves ecological absurdism, campfire stories, made-up games, unexpected sea shanties, and proscenium-less playspaces. Her work has been developed and supported by The Washington National Opera, The O’Neill National Musical Theater Conference, The National Alliance for Musical Theater, The 5th Avenue Theater, The Civilians, American Opera Project, The Johnny Mercer Foundation, Youth Theater Northwest, and The New York Foundation for the Arts.

(switch to first person!) I hold a bachelors degree in Environmental Studies from University of San Francisco, which I earned by dumpster diving in the rain and staring at brackish water under a microscope. I have worked for the incredible environmental artists/activists/educators at FutureFarmers, the Studio for Urban Projects, the Climate Music Project, and Sprout Up San Francisco.

Then I herded french goats for a while, then I sold cheese to Manhattan socialites for a while.

I have recently completed an MFA in Musical Theater Writing at New York University. (she/hers)